
Posted by : Sustainable / On : 12-Jun-2023

Did you know that rhubarb is a vegetable? I didn’t. I found a recipe for fermented rhubarb. It is beyond simple to make with only a few ingredients. I’ve been experimenting with different fermentations and adding these new discoveries to my diet to boost my gut health and overall wellness.

Rhubarb crisp is one of my favourite springtime desserts. That tart sweet goodness with a cinnamon, butter, oat and maple syrup crumble topping is hard to beat. What about using fermented rhubarb in a crisp? An awesome topping for yogurt, kefir, granola, chia seed pudding or it can be used as a relish.  The ferment makes the sourness of the rhubarb milder and the whole chili adds some heat with a little kick!

1lb (500g) rhubarb
2-3 whole chilies (optional)
1tbsp (15g) freshly grated ginger
1-11/4 tbsp (15-20g) good quality salt
171/2 fl oz (500ml) filtered water

1-1.5 litre jar

1. Make a brine by dissolving the salt in the water.
2. Cut the washed rhubarb stalks to the size you want. Leave the chilies whole.
3. Put rhubarb, grated ginger and chilies into jar. Pack tightly.
4. Poor the cooled brine over rhubarb until covered completely.
5. Use a fermentation weight to keep the rhubarb under the brine.
6. Leave the jar to ferment for 1-2 weeks at room temperature. The thickness of the stalks will determine the length of the fermentation process.
7. When finished, store in the fridge. Will keep for several months unopened.

* burp the jar once a day to allow gases out or use a pickle pipe.


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